
info@eforp.co.uk         (+44) (0) 1430 431 522

An Integrated Service.

We are able to provide a wide range of ecological, planning, environmental and engineering consultancy services, either from our in house staff or by partnering with experienced specialist consultants to provide a wider experienc base. Our ethos of providing the best quality service and value for money, coupled with our partnership approach, means that you can be confident that we will provide you with a high quality, innovative, and cost effective service.

We are pleased to be able to offer the following services which can be stand alone, or integrated with our contracting services as you require:

    • Ecological Assessments and Ecological Habitat Management
    • Biodiversity planning and implementation
    • Site assessment, management, and access planning
    • Planning permission, consents and licences
    • Protected species survey and mitigation planning e.g. Great Crested Newts, Bats, Badger
    • Urban Site Restoration plans
    • Recycled plastic boardwalks, bridges, viewing platforms, tables and seats
    • Water management - level monitoring and planning, reedbeds, flooding
    • Environmental Clerk of Works

Alongside the consultation, planning and development process there is sometimes a need for external funding, especially by community and voluntary organisations.

Sometimes as part of the planning process there is a need for community engagement, consultation and training to ensure that all parties have an understanding of what is happening and why. This engagement is a valuable stage in the successful delivery of a project and helps to raise awareness and funds. We can help you engage with local people, schools and organisations whether it be via a display, newsletter, web based means, or public meeting.

As part of the completion of a project and to ensure that the facility is used and used safely and correctly, whether it be in a public park or in a school ground there might be need to 'educate' the users. We have many years’ experience of developing tailor made education development and planning programmes to enable you to maximise the environment around you whilst appreciating and respecting it.

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